In this episode, Hanna Lee and Michael Anstendig of Hanna Lee Communications chat with Wayne Curtis, Drinks Columnist for The Daily Beast, Imbibe and Garden & Gun. ⁣⁣

Wayne won the Spirited Award for Best Cocktail & Spirits Writing at this year’s Tales of the Cocktail, where he also earned top accolades in 2017. He is the author of “And a Bottle of Rum: A History of the New World in Ten Cocktails” and was a long-time contributor to The Atlantic.

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Lend an ear to this jovial, inquisitive and scholarly journalist who shares his thoughts on:⁣⁣⁣

  1. How The Daily Beast, Imbibe and Garden & Gun have different editorial points of view and audiences.

  2. How his stories often come about by posing the simple question, “Why do you do something in the way you do?”

  3. How rum continues to fascinate him, from its history to its politics to its vast spectrum of flavor profiles.

  4. Why he believes cocktail books written by bars are a snapshot of our times and provide an important historical record.

  5. Why he thinks Sazerac Company’s Mark Brown, one of the brightest people in the industry and the author of an indispensable e-newsletter, is bringing hospitality forward.

⁣Connect with Wayne via his website,, and on IG at @wcurtis.

For a chance to win our agency's new book, "The Japanese Art of the Cocktail," please email and share your favorite pitching tip from the show.⁣⁣⁣

⁣Connect with hosts Hanna Lee (@hannaleeny), Michael Anstendig (@michaelanstendig) and our agency (@hannaleepr) on IG.